Object Oriented Coldfusion : 4 : The var scope

In part three of this primer, we discussed how an object’s variables scope exists only within itself and is available to any function it contains. Now we need to cover how and why to make a variable only available to a single function.

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Object Oriented Coldfusion : 1 : Intro to Object.cfc

Think of a Coldfusion Component, first introduced in Coldfusion 6, as a container, an object. Inside this object you can store related data, manage related functions, access data sources, implement business logic and more. While Coldfusion is not an Object Oriented Programming Language, using components, we can implement OO programming concepts and solve recurring problems using design patterns.

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Deleting a file when using java.io.FileReader

A problem was posted to CF-Talk about CF locking a file when using java.io.FileReader. You may run into the same problem when parsing files using CF 6 or 7. Fortunately, Coldfusion 8 (Scorpio) has eliminated the process of calling java directly by updating CFLOOP.

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Put YUI money where YUI mouth is

My last post about BlogCFC and YUI garnered a very telling comment: “Very nice work!! Now take the time to do some whitespace management on the rest of the site… :)”. Well here’s why I had that problem to begin with and how I fixed it.

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Coldfusion, BlogCFC and YUI

My company recently launched a new version of our site. The original CSS layout has some issues and YUI Grids saved the day in no time flat. Using Ray Camden’s BlogCFC, this is an example of how quickly you can change your site’s layout with YUI Grids.

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